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  • Writer's pictureMike Dickins

The Mighty Mekong river

It starts in the mountains of Tibet

All the way down through China, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, and finishes at

delta Vietnam.

My respect goes out to the countless farmers and fishermen, in all the countries

That depends on the river for its rich bountiful supply of water and fish

Not forgetting the livestock

The level of the water in the Mekong changes through the year

From high to low,

Sunset on the banks of the Mekong

A lovely place, a romantic place

China has been building dams up and down

the whole stretch of the Mekong river

Causing a lot of controversies

And changing the levels of the water table

affecting downriver causing droughts and floods.

This majestic river will stand the test of time.

And be around for millennia to come.

Stay safe, love you all.

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